
a blog in the English language especially for my English speaking friends all over the world. This Blog is best viewed in a Mozilla Browser. For some strange reason, Internet Explorer is messing up my site. If you scroll down, you can read the blogs I already wrote. Thank you ;)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Downloads disease ;)

Last tuesday I finally got my blood transfusion at home. After 5 months of nagging I finally got my physicians so far that they gave their permission. We could hardly believe our ears, when my nurse practioner called monday to tell us that the very next morning, someone from the specialized team would come and would give me the transfusion.

You can guess how excited we were last tuesday! It was so relaxed, no hurry to the hospital. My hb is most of the times pretty low 3,6 mmol/l and I feel real miserable when I get transfused. I have to drive to the hospital myself, and although it's not far, it worns me out.

Oh, I am so happy!

Here is little keynote presentation of last tuesday, the comments are in Dutch, but still you can look at pictures and guess what is going on ;)